CHEM 700s

CHEM 710 Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000423
Discussion of specialized topics related to the research interests of members of the Centre. Special topics could include, for example, bioinorganic chemistry; inorganic reaction mechanisms; synthetic methods in inorganic and organometallic chemistry; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis; chemistry of polynuclear compounds.
1 Adv Coordination Chemistry
2 Main Group Chemistry
3 Inorganic Materials
4 Molecular Materials
5 Homogeneous Catalysis
6 Structure&Bonding in the Solid
7 Solid State Materials Chem
8 Bioinorganic Chemistry
9 Advanced Main Group Chemistry
10 Solid State Chemistry
11 X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
12 Strctr & Fnctn Suprmlclr Mtrls
13 Nanostructural Materials
14 Nanostructured Materials
15 Ad Sol St Chem-I, E & M Transp
16 Catalysis-Prncpls & Indst Apps
17 Nanostrcrd Matrls/Intgrtv Chem
18 Block Coplymr Micelle Nanomtrl
19 Suprmlclr & nanostrctrd Mtrls
20 Adv Main Group Chem

CHEM 712 X-Ray Crystallography (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000425
Introduction: crystals, basic concepts; space groups; the reciprocal lattice; x-ray diffraction; the phase problem; structure factors; electron density; small molecule structure solution, structure refinement, structure results, journals and data bases, paper writing.

CHEM 713 Chemistry of Inorganic Solid State Materials (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000426
Introduction to solid state chemistry, common crystal structures, principles of solid state synthesis, theory and experimental methods for characterizing solids, including thermal analysis techniques, powder x-ray and neutron diffraction methods; special topics to include one or more of the optical, electronic, magnetic, or conductive properties of inorganic materials.
1 Chem Inorg Solid St Materials

CHEM 715 Structure & Bonding in Inorganic Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000427
Free electron, Hueckel and extended Hueckel methods for molecules and clusters. Perturbation theory. Applications of group theory in inorganic chemistry; Jahn-Teller effects in molecular and solids. Energy bands in one, two and three dimensions.

CHEM 717 Advanced Transition Metal Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000429
Magnetochemistry of transition metal compounds. Electronic spectra of complex ions including applications of molecular orbital and ligand field theories. Stabilization of unusual oxidation states and coordination numbers. Bonding, structure and reactivity of certain important classes of metal complexes, e.g. metal hydrides, metal-metal bonded species, biologically-significant model systems such as macrocycles.

CHEM 718 Advanced Organometallic Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000430
Reactions, structure and bonding of organometallic compounds of transition and non-transition metals.

CHEM 720 Selected Topics in Analytical Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000431
Special topics could include for example: trace analysis using modern instrumental and spectroscopic methods; advanced mass spectrometry (instrumentation and interpretation of spectra); analytical aspects of gas and liquid chromatography.
1 Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
2 Advanced Bioanalytical Chem
3 Surface Electrochemistry
4 Cmp Fld Dynmcs Appl to Chem In
5 Mass Spectrometry
6 Fundamentals of Electrochem.
7 Rcnt Advs in Appld Mass Spctrm
8 Spectroscopic Mthds Analytical
9 Fund of Mass Spectrometry
10 Contemporary Mass Spectrometry
11 Intro to Exp Design & Chemomet
12 Adv Bioanalytical Chem
13 Biosensors and Nanotech
14 Nanomtl 4 E conv&clean env

CHEM 724 Chemical Instrumentation (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000435
Instrumental components and optimum application; rudiments of design; electrical, spectral, migrational and other methods.

CHEM 726 Topics in Analytical Spectroscopy (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000436
Atomic emission and absorption spectroscopy; methods of excitation and detection; quantitative applications. Molecular electronic spectroscopy: UV, visible and Raman; instrumental characteristics; applications to quantitative determinations, speciation, measurements of equilibrium, etc. Sources and control of errors and interferences. Determination and description of colour.

CHEM 727 Separations (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000437
Material to be covered will be drawn from the following topics: Diffusion; Isolation of organic material from the matrix; Chromatographic techniques - principles of chromatographic separations; Gas (GLC, GSC), Liquid (LLC, LSC, GPC, IEC), Supercritical Fluid (SFC) Chromatographies; GC-MS, GC-FTIR; Electrophoresis; Flow field fractionation.

CHEM 728 Electroanalytical Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000438
A study of electroanalytical techniques and their role in modern analytical chemistry. The underlying principles will be developed. Techniques will include chronoamperometry, chronocoulometry, polarography, voltammetry, chronopotentiometry, coulometric titrations, flow techniques, electrochemical sensors and chemically modified electrodes.

CHEM 729 Surface Analysis (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000439
Modern surface analysis: description and importance of surfaces. Surface area determinations. High surface area solids, supports. Scanning electron microscopy: principles and applications. Auger electron spectroscopy. Applications in metallurgy and materials science. Depth profiling. ESCA: elemental compositions and studies of catalyst surfaces. SIMS. Infrared spectroscopy. Studies of supported metal and metal oxides. Acid surface sites and their role in catalysis. Scanning tunnelling microscopy; theory and applications. Single crystal surfaces. LEED. Studies of chemisorption.

CHEM 730 Proteins and Nucleic Acids (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000440
Protein structure and function; intermolecular interactions and protein-protein association. Nucleic acid and DNA structure; protein-nucleic acid interactions.

CHEM 731 Selected Topics in Biochemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000441
Discussion of specialized topics related to the research interests of the members of the Centre. For example, recent offerings have included: Metalloproteins and Metalloenzymes; Heme Proteins; Chemistry of Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms; Peptides - Synthesis, Structure and Function; Food Enzymology; Advanced Microbial Physicology; NMR in Biological Systems.
1 Metalloproteins-Metalloenzymes
2 Physical Biochemistry
3 Advanced Microbial Physiology
4 Chem of Enzymatic React Mechan
5 Biochemical Pharmacology
6 Spectroscopy of Biomolecules
7 Macromolecules: Biol Interest
8 Medicinal Chem&Drug Discovery
9 Biochemical Toxicology
10 NMR and Biological Systems
11 Apld Spctrscopy of Biomolecule
12 Physical Biochemistry
13 Bioinorganic Chemistry
14 Bioinorganic Protein Chemistry
15 Glycobiology
16 Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms
17 Biological Membranes
18 Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy
19 Chemical Biology
20 Cmp mths-stdy'g protein strctr
21 Protein Folding Engnr & Design
22 NMR based Prot Strctr Dtrmnatn
24 Vaccine Discovery & Dev
25 Glycomics
26 Adv Topics in Toxicology
27 Biochemical Toxicology
28 Struct & Functn Nucleic Acids
29 BioOrganic

CHEM 736 Regulations in Biological Systems (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000445
Regulation of replication, transcription, translation, RNA processing, and protein degradation. Cell cycle and control of cell division.

CHEM 737 Enzymes (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000446
Discussion of the underlying factors contributing to enzyme, abzyme and ribozyme catalysis.

CHEM 738 Cell Membranes and Cell Surfaces (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000447
Structure, function and dynamics of membrane lipids and proteins. Membrane transport. Biogenesis and trafficking of membrane proteins. Signal transduction.

CHEM 740 Selected Topics in Theoretical Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000449
Discussion of specialized topics related to the research interests of the members of the Centre. Special topics could include for example: theory of intermolecular forces; density matrices; configuration interaction; correlation energies of open and closed shell systems; kinetic theory and gas transport properties; theory of the chemical bond.
1 Potentials in Diatomic Spectra
2 Engergies, Intensities & Ptnls
3 Select Topics in Computnl Chem
4 Thry & Prctc of Cmptatnl Chem
6 Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry
7 Electronic Structure of Solids
8 Spectroscopic Det Intermolecul
9 Molclr Dynamcs & its Applictns
10 Qtm Info & Ctrl in Phys Systms
11 Mag res &-spin-based QI pro
12 Computational Chemistry
13 Spin-based QI Processing
14 Quantum Molecular Dynamics
15 Molecular Modelling
16 Qubits w Semiconduct&Spins

CHEM 745 Statistical Mechanics (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000453
Review of classical and quantum mechanics; principles of statistical mechanics; applications to systems of interacting molecules; imperfect gases, liquids, solids, surfaces and solutions.

CHEM 746 Quantum Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000454
Approximate solutions of the Schrodinger equation and calculations of atomic and molecular properties.

CHEM 750 Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000455
Discussion of specialized topics related to the research interests of members of the Centre. Special topics could include for example: principles of magnetic resonance in biological systems; collisions, spectroscopy and intermolecular forces, surface chemistry; catalysis; electrolyte theory; non-electrolyte solution theory; thermodynamics of biological systems; thermodynamics.
1 Synth/Prop of Nanomaterials
2 Principles of NMR Spectroscopy
3 Topics in NMR Spectroscopy
4 Surface Sci&Nanomaterials Tech
5 Atmospheric Remote Sensing
6 Aqueous Solutions
7 Spectroscopy
8 Topics in Environmental Cataly
9 Molecular Films
10 Molecular Spectroscopy
11 Bioelectronics
12 Topics in Computational Chem
13 Statistical Mechanics
14 NMR Spectroscopy
15 Phys Chem of Surfactants
16 Many-body Elctrnc Strctr Thry
17 Surface Sci & Nanotechnology
18 Design in Quantum Systems
19 Carbon Nanotube Electronics
20 Atomic and Molecular Clusters
21 Process at Micro Nano Scales
23 Proc at Micro-Nano Scales
24 Aqueous Sol'ns & Interfac
25 Ultrafast Spectroscopy
26 Advanced Spectroscopy

CHEM 755 Kinetics - Dynamics (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000459
Empirical analysis. Kinetic theory of gases. Potential energy surfaces. Unimolecular rates. Relaxation and steady state methods. Diffusion rates. Rates between polar molecules. Energy transfer.

CHEM 756 Spectroscopy (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000460
Aspects of electronic vibrational and rotational spectroscopy of atoms, molecules, and the solid state. Relevant aspects of quantum mechanics, Dirac notation, and angular momentum will be discussed. Group Theory will be presented and its implications for spectroscopy introduced.

CHEM 760 Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000461
Two or three topics from a range including: bio-organic chemistry; environmental organic chemistry; free radicals; heterocyclic molecules; molecular rearrangements; organometallic chemistry; photochemistry; natural products.
1 Natural Products Chemistry
2 Organomet. Reagents in Organic
3 Adv. Carbohydrate Chemistry
4 Tps in Natural Products Chem
5 Organic Electo:Prin & App
6 Organ Reagents in Org Systh
7 Asymtrc Synthesis & Catalysis
8 Natural Product Synthesis
9 Bioorganic Chemistry
10 Mlclr Mdlg-Orgnc/Biorgnc Chem
11 Modelling for Organic Chem
12 Biomedicinal Methods
13 Organometallics in Organic Syn
14 Cellulose Biosynthesis
15 Prod Chem/Syn Mtds
16 NMR Spectscpy for Syn Chem
18 Synthesis Pharmaceut Subst
19 Heteroatoms in Org Chem
20 Nat Prod Chem/Syn Mtds Org Chm

CHEM 764 Synthetic Organic Reactions (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000465
Named organic reactions and other synthetically useful reactions will be discussed. The mechanism, stereochemical implications and use in organic synthesis of these rections will be presented. Examples from the organic literature will be used to illustrate these aspects.

CHEM 765 Strategies in Organic Synthesis (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000466
The synthesis of organic compounds is discussed and emphasis is placed on the design of synthetic routes. Examples drawn from the literature are used to illustrate this synthetic planning.
Prereq: CHEM 764.

CHEM 766 Organic Spectroscopy (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000467
Ultraviolet, infrared, resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, with emphasis on applications to studies of organic molecules.

CHEM 769 Physical Organic Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000468
Linear free energy relationships; substituent effects and reactive intermediates.

CHEM 770 Principles of Polymer Science (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000469
Introduction to the physical chemistry of high polymers, principles of polymer synthesis, mechanisms and kinetics of polymerization reactions, copolymerization theory, polymerization in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, chemical reactions of polymers. Theory and experimental methods for the molecular characterization of polymers.

CHEM 771 Physical Properties of Polymers (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000341
(Cross-listed with CHE 641)
The physical properties of polymers are considered in depth from a molecular viewpoint. Rubber elasticity, mechanical properties, rheology and solution behaviour are quantitatively treated.
Prerequisite: CHEM 770.

CHEM 772 Polymerization and Polymer Reactions (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000471
The reactions leading to the production of polymers are considered with emphasis on emulsion and suspension polymerization and polymerization reaction engineering. Polymer degradation, stabilization and modification are also considered in depth.
Prerequisite: CHEM 770.

CHEM 773 Selected Topics in Polymer Chemistry (0.50) LECCourse ID: 000472
Discussion of specialized topics of polymer chemistry related to the research interests of the faculty or prominent scientific visitors. Special topics could include, for example, polymer stabilization and degradation; mechanical properties; polymer principles in surface coatings; organic chemistry of synthetic high polymers; estimation of polymer properties; reactions of polymers; polymerization kinetics.
1 Ionic Polymerization
2 Phys Charac of Polymers
3 Phys Char Syn Macromolecules
4 Polymer Prop - Polymerization
5 Dvlpmt Ionic Plymr & Rel Techs
6 Introduction to Polymer Scienc
7 Phy Char Bio & Syn Macro
8 Polymer Synthesis & Properties
10 Block Coplymr Micelle Nanomtrl
11 Synth, Self-Assem & Mat Appl
12 Metal-Containing Polymers
13 Mtl-Ctn plmers: Syn & Mtl Appl
14 Living Polymerization Tech

CHEM 794 Master's Seminar (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 000481
A written research proposal, and a public seminar and defence of this proposal, to be given by all MSc students within two terms of entering this program.