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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Fall 2015

School of Planning


The School of Planning has four Master's programs:
  • The Master of Arts (MA) in Planning and
  • The Master of Environmental Studies (MES) in Planning

These programs are two-year research degrees which require the completion of ten one-term graduate courses, three milestones, and a thesis

Note: Normally the MES program is for students interested in researching in the Physical/Natural field. The only difference between the two programs is that in the MES program, the two one-term 600-level elective courses must be environmental/quantitative courses identified by the School of Planning.

  • The Master of Planning (MPlan) program is a 3.3-year, part-time, online, coursework degree which requires the completion of ten one-term graduate courses.
  • The Master of Applied Environmental Studies (MAES) in Planning program is a one-year course work degree which requires the completion of eight one-term graduate courses (five required and three elective courses - see chart below - for a total of 4.50 units). 

Note: Applications are no longer being accepted for the MAES program.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the MA/MES programs is normally in September. The entry requirements are:

  • A four-year honours bachelor degree (or equivalent), with a minimum overall average of B+ (78%), from a recognized university; the undergraduate degree may be in planning or other fields relevant to planning including: architecture, biology, civil engineering, economics, forestry, geography, geology, landscape architecture, law, political science, sociology, or other resource disciplines or social sciences
  • Three letters of reference, at least two of which must be from academic sources 
  • Two official academic transcripts from each post-secondary institution 
  • A maximum 300-word statement of interest in the graduate program which describes the aspects of planning, offered in our School, in which you are particularly interested 
  • A maximum 500-word statement of research interest (area in which you wish to do your thesis research)
  • The name of one or more School of Planning faculty member(s) who would be a suitable advisor 
  • At least one substantial example of writing completed during the last two years of academic study. Students with professional experience may submit a professional report of which they were sole or principal author 
  • Curriculum vitae or resume 
  • English Language Competency: Applicants who have completed three or more years of post-secondary work at an academic institution where English is the primary language of instruction, or have been employed for a similar period of time in a position in which English was the primary language of business may be admitted (must be within the last two years) 
  • Proof of English Language Competency
    Students who do not meet the conditions stated above will be required to provide certification of English language proficiency through one of the accepted examinations listed below (these tests are offered in Canada, the United States and many other countries. Language proficiency requirements may change):
    • TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language): minimum score of 100, with minimum skill scores of 26 in each of speaking and writing; Paper-based TOEFL - minimum of 600 overall is required and 4.0 on the TWE and 50 in the TSE. Computer-based TOEFL - minimum of 250 overall, 50 in the TSE and 5.0 in the essay;
    • IELTS (International English Language Testing System): minimum score of 7.5; 
    • MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery): minimum score of 90; 
    • CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language Assessment): minimum score of 70 is required with 70 in writing and 70 in speaking;
    • EFAS (English for Academic Success [Renison University College, University of Waterloo]): 80% overall in level 400.

Admission to the MPlan program is done in January, May, and September, and is open to students who have:

  • A four-year honours bachelor degree with a minimum overall average of B+ (78%); two years’ planning or planning related work experience
  • Three letters of reference from academic or professional sources 
  • Two official academic transcripts from each post-secondary institution 
  • A 300-word Statement of Interest in the graduate program which describes the aspects of planning, offered in our School, in which you are particularly interested 
  • At least one substantial example of writing completed during the last two years of academic study. Students with professional experience may submit a professional report of which they were sole or principal author 
  • Curriculum vitae or resume 
  • English Language Competency: Applicants who have completed three or more years of post-secondary work at an academic institution where English is the primary language of instruction, or have been employed for a similar period of time in a position in which English was the primary language of business may be admitted (must be within the last two years)
  • Proof of English Language Competency
    Students who do not meet the conditions stated above will be required to provide certification of English language proficiency through one of the accepted examinations listed below (these tests are offered in Canada, the United States and many other countries.
    Language proficiency requirements may change):
    • TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language): minimum score of 100, with minimum skill scores of 26 in each of speaking and writing; Paper-based TOEFL - minimum of 600 overall is required and 4.0 on the TWE and 50 in the TSE. Computer-based TOEFL - minimum of 250 overall, 50 in the TSE and 5.0 in the essay;
    • IELTS (International English Language Testing System): minimum score of 7.5; 
    • MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery): minimum score of 90; 
    • CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language Assessment): minimum score of 70 is required with 70 in writing and 70 in speaking;
    • EFAS (English for Academic Success [Renison University College, University of Waterloo]): 80% overall in level 400.

Degree Requirements

Degree Program Degree Requirements Program Duration
  • five 700-level obligatory one-term courses: 700, 701 703, 704, 710, for a total of 2.5 units
  • three 600-level elective one-term courses for a total of 1.5 units
  • two 700-level obligatory studio courses: 720, 721 (2.0 units)
  • internship* required during first spring term
  • thesis (2.0 unit weight)
  • in addition, students must complete two program milestones:
    • project proposal development workshop
    • research plan - oral presentation April of first year
2 years - 6 terms of full-time enrollment

5 years - 15 terms part-time enrollment
  • five obligatory one-term PLAN core courses: 625, 700, 701, 702, 703, for a total of 3.0 units
  • three PLAN elective graduate courses, for a total of 1.50 units
1 year - coursework degree - 3 terms full-time enrollment

Maximum 8 terms part-time enrollment
  • five 700-level obligatory one-term courses: 700, 701 703, 704, 710, for a total of 2.5 units
  • three 600-level elective one-term courses selected from a list of quantitatively oriented environmental courses identified by the School of Planning for a total of 1.5 units
  • two 700-level obligatory studio courses: 720, 721 (2.0 units)
  • internship* required during first spring term
  • thesis (2.0 unit weight)
  • in addition, students must complete two program milestones:
    • project proposal development workshop
    • research plan - oral presentation April of first year
2 years - 6 terms of full-time enrollment

5 years - 15 terms part-time enrollment
  • six obligatory one-term PLAN courses: 625, 700, 702, 704, 705, 706, for a total of 3.0 units
  • four elective one-term graduate courses drawn from the School of Planning, Master of Public Health or Master of Environment and Business, for a total of 2.0 units
3.3 years - 10 terms of part-time enrollment

Some elective graduate courses may be taken in other departments but the supervisor's advice and approval should be sought before registering. One half course may be a reading course.

All MA and MES students write a thesis which contains evidence of research, analysis and synthesis. The thesis is supervised by a faculty advisor, examined by a committee of three or more members and is made available for anyone in the university or general public to use. The thesis must be defended successfully before an Examining Committee composed of a minimum of the student's Supervisor, one Committee member and one Reader as per the requirements listed in the Minimum Requirements for the Master's Degree section of the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.

The MA and MES master's degrees are offered on either a full-time or a part-time basis. See Residency Requirements.

*The internship milestone is intended to provide MA/MES students who have not had prior planning work experience with the opportunity to work as paid or unpaid interns in professional settings. Internships will normally occur in the summer between the first and second years of the program, and are usually three to four months in duration. Internships may be with community-based organizations, corporations, government agencies, consulting firms, public interest groups, district health units, and planning departments of all levels of government, among other potential employers.

Although the School cannot guarantee a placement to every student who requires an internship, assisting students in securing valuable work experience during their program is a priority.

Master of Applied Environmental Studies (MAES)

The MAES program provides students with a stimulating, academically sound, course-based professional Master's Degree program that equips them to further their planning related careers. Students must have two years planning related work experience; OR, registered in a program at another university that is part of a dual degree program with the MAES degree program.

The MAES degree is offered as a three-term (Fall, Winter, Spring) full-time calendar year program, or a maximum of 8 terms part-time starting Fall term (September) of each year.

Transfer Between Programs

Permission to transfer from the MAES program to the MA or MES programs, or from the MA/MES programs to the MAES program, may be granted after the end of the first term of year one by the Associate Director, Graduate Studies (Graduate Officer) providing the student fulfills the requirements of the program he/she wants to transfer to. A key requirement for MAES students transferring to the MA or MES program is the written agreement of an appropriate faculty member to advise the students and of another appropriate faculty member to act as a committee member. The transfer does not imply any financial commitment by the School of planning to support the student after the change in program of studies. However, this does not preclude a faculty member providing research support from grants or contract funds.

For further information regarding university regulations see Minimum Requirements for the Master's Degree.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411

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