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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Fall 2015

School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED)


Local Economic Development (MAES)

As Canada's only graduate program in Local Economic Development (LED), the Master of Applied Environmental Studies (MAES) program prepares students for careers in local, regional, and community economic development. As well, many economic development professionals take the program to upgrade their skills and earn a specialized Master's degree.

Over the past few years the importance of local economic development has grown as communities and regions search for innovative ways to diversify their economic activities. Our graduates, who benefit from the University of Waterloo's reputation as one of Canada's leading graduate schools, have careers in communities across Canada.

The program is designed to be completed in a year and consists of eight courses, a research paper, and an internship for students with less than two years professional experience. Students learn theoretical fundamentals and applied skills through weekly contact with economic development professionals and the Faculty's own researchers and professors.

Seminars taught by guest speakers and leading researchers expose students to a range of local development issues, including entrepreneurship, information technologies, labour market processes, service sector expansion, globalization, strategic economic planning, environmental impact assessment, and sustainability.

As members of an interdisciplinary program within the Faculty of Environment, students in Local Economic Development interact with students and professors in the Faculty's other graduate programs: Environment and Resource Studies, Geography and Environmental Management, and Planning.

Topics of mutual interest include industrial, urban, and rural economic development, resource and recreation analysis, tourism, as well as urban, regional, and environmental planning. Students also benefit from close ties with the Department of Economics in the Faculty of Arts.

Approximately fifteen to twenty new students are admitted to the program each year, keeping class sizes small to allow students to interact with professors, guest speakers, and fellow students.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must:

  • have an Honours Bachelor's (or equivalent) degree in Business, Commerce, Economics, Geography, Planning or a related field, with at least a B standing (75%) OR other Honours Bachelor's (or equivalent) degree plus two years of work experience in the economic development field.
  • submit three letters of reference , normally from academic sources, but may be from professional sources.
  • provide proof of competency in English (if applicable) . A score of at least 600 is required in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A score of 100 is required on the internet-based TOEFL. (See Academic Regulations - English Language Proficiency Certification for other acceptable tests of English.)
  • Submit a University of Waterloo application form and official transcripts from each previous post-secondary institution.

Students who do not meet the requirements outlined above may be considered for admission to a transitional, probationary or qualifying program depending on their academic background. (See Graduate Studies Calendar - Academic Regulations - Categories of Admission to the Master's Program.)

The deadline for applications to the Master's program is February 1.

Degree Requirements

Core Courses: Thematic Courses: Methods: Milestones: Electives:
LED 613
LED 685
LED 686
LED 687
LED 611 or
LED 615 or
LED 671 or
LED 688 or
GEOG 635
LED 619** -Internship*
-Research Paper
Two Elective Courses, typically in one of the Three Theme Areas in the Local Economic Development Program: business development, sustainable development, or international development (see table below). Other courses must be approved by the Program Director.

*Students with less than two full years' experience in the business or community economic development field are required to complete a four-month period of relevant professional experience (Internship) to the satisfaction of a designated employer and the advisory committee.

**Or an equivalent quantitative methods course approved by the Program Director.

Theme Area Elective Courses:

Business Development LED 611, Industrial Location Theory and concepts (Fall)
LED 615, Community Economic Development (Winter)
LED 688, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (Winter)
GEOG 635, International Development: Theories and Practice (Fall)
LED 612, Land Development Planning (Fall)
ECON 645, Industrial Organization (Spring)
ECON 651, Labour Economics (Winter)
Sustainable Development LED 615, Community Economic Development (Winter)
LED 611, Industrial Location Theory and Concepts (Fall)
GEOG 635, International Development: Theories and Practice (Fall)
GEOG 660, Perspectives in Resource and Environmental Management (Fall)
GEOG 665, Environmental Planning Theory and Practice (Winter)
LED 621, Environment and Business (TBD)
International Development GEOG 635, International Development: Theories and Practice (Fall)
LED 671, Contemporary Perspectives on Tourism (Fall)
LED 611, Industrial Location Theory and Concepts (Fall)
LED 615, Community Economic Development (Winter)
TOUR 604, Social Planning for Tourism (Fall)

Some additional possible electives include:

PLAN 660, Politics and Administration of Planning (Fall)

Civil and Environmental Engineering
CIVE 640, Transport Planning (Spring)

The degree should be completed within two years of initial registration.

Faculty of Environment Homepage

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411

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