SYDE 600s

SYDE 621 Mathematics of Computation (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003143
Review of mathematical and computational preliminaries; sources of error in floating-point arithmetic; solution of linear equations, eigen value problems, singular value decomposition, non-linear equations, ordinary differential equations and issues in designing mathematical software. The emphasis in this course will be on solution techniques rather than modelling and equation formulation.

SYDE 622 Machine Intelligence (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003144
Overview of machine intelligence, underlying assumptions and ill-structured problems. Programming language paradigms, logical and functional programming, object-oriented paradigm, machine intelligence tools and development systems. Knowledge representation hypothesis, logic-based, associational, analogical, procedural, and probabilistic representations. Reasoning, planning, machine learning, and applications.

SYDE 624 System Simulation: Advanced Topics (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003145
Review of continuous (time driven) and discrete (event driven) system simulation methods using digital computers. Simulation languages and their design; man-machine interface considerations; object-oriented methods; visual data representations; front-end and back-end processors; computer animation of simulation output. Developments in systems simulation due to parallel and high-speed computer architectures. Applications of systems simulation in engineering analysis and design.

SYDE 625 Tools of Intelligent Systems Design (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003146
The course outlines fundamentals of intelligent systems design using tools of computational intelligence and soft computing. These include fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms and other hybrid techniques such as neuro fuzzy systems and fuzzy-generated algorithms.

SYDE 631 Time Series Modelling (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003147
The theory and application of time-series modelling are presented for describing phenomena measured at discrete points in time. The types of time-series models include stationary auto regressive moving average (ARMA), nonstationary, special families of seasonal, transfer function-noise (multiple inputs-single output), intervention, and multivariate (multiple inputs-multiple output) models. Applications are used for explaining how the foregoing models are fitted to both natural and socio-economic time series by following the identification, estimation and diagnostic check stages of model construction. Other topics include simulation in engineering design, forecasting in the operation of large-scale projects, and environmental impact assessment.

SYDE 632 Optimization Methods (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003148
This course is intended to give a broad treatment of the subject of practical optimization. Emphasis will be given to understanding the motivation and scope of various optimization techniques for constrained and unconstrained problems. The methods discussed include, but are not limited to: Newton's method and its variants, secant methods and conjugate gradient methods for unconstrained problems; active set methods, penalty methods and Lagrangian methods for constrained problems. In order to use, adapt and modify these methods, details that affect their performance will be discussed.

SYDE 642 Advanced Applications of Ecological Interface Design (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003149
This course reviews ecological psychology, particularly perception and action, which are the foundations of Ecological Interface Design (EID). From this, more advanced EID techniques are discussed. Examples of more advanced topic areas include models and designs for systems with embedded control and for automated systems. We discuss the use of work domain models for other uses, such as sensor design and simulation design. Finally this course discusses aspects of the current research environment in cognitive engineerijng, with the objective of developing successful future researchers in this area.
Instructor Consent Required

SYDE 652 Dynamics of Multibody Systems (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003151
In this course, linear graph theory is used to model the topology of 2-d and 3-d systems of rigid bodies connected by mechanical joints, springs, dampers, and actuators. Graph-theoretic methods are then used to systematically derive the kinematic and dynamic equations; the numeric solution of these equations provides a simulation of the system's motion. Topics include: review of kinematics, dynamics and graph theoretic (GT) methods; application to one-dimensional mechanical systems; GT representation of two-dimensional components and systems; formulation and solution of governing system equations; extension to three dimensional mechanical systems with flexible bodies and mechatronic components; application to kinematic and dynamic analysis of mechanisms, robotic manipulators, vehicles and satellites.

SYDE 654 Graphic Theoretic Models for Complex Systems (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003153
This course extends material in SY DE 551 to include complex systems, systems with uncertainty and systems design issues. Material covered includes: non-linear systems models, their formulations and solutions; higher-order sensitivity models and solutions; second moment analysis and robust design methods for systems with probabilistic components. Examples are taken from electro-mechanical disciplines.

SYDE 675 Pattern Recognition (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003154
Pattern recognition addresses the problem of detecting and classifying patterns in data, a process of machine perception in which objects are assigned to classes to which they are most similar. This course introduces the three modern approaches to pattern recognition: statistical, structural and neural. Specific topics include distance and probability based approaches in multidimensional feature spaces, feature extraction, clustering and performance measures; pattern grammars, syntax analysis and grammatical inference; connectionist models, pattern associators, back propagation and self-organizing networks.

SYDE 676 Information Theory in Pattern Synthesis and Analysis (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003155
Fundamental concepts and properties of various information measures are introduced with applications to pattern synthesis and analysis. Applications include (but are not restricted to): pattern recognition and discovery in general event sequences, mixed-mode data and relational structures; inductive learning; random graphs and their application to structural pattern recognition and search strategy in rule networks under uncertainty to class characterization, class discriminations and pattern enhancement of random data and processes. Emphasis is placed on systems and signal pattern analysis.

SYDE 677 Computer Vision (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003156
This course introduces the fundamental concepts for computer vision which include: sensing and image formation; early processing; image segmentation, region, growing and tracking 2-D and 3-D shape analysis and synthesis; recognition and location of objects in a 3-D environment; automated visual inspection; robotic vision.

SYDE 682 Advanced MicroElectroMechanical Systems: Principles, Design & Fabrication (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012235
This course provides specific knowledge in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and devices including microactuators, microsensors, micro-domain forces, microfabrication, and their actuation principles. Application domains of MEMS in RF, optics, and biosensing will be discussed. Specific topics include MEMS actuation mechanisms such as electrostatic, electromagnetic, thermal, and piezoelectric; and sensing mechanisms such a peizoresistive, capacitve, optical, and bio-transducer. Topics such as lithography, thin-film deposition methods, etching techniques will be taught. The course covers practical examples, device architecture, fabrication design rules and fabrication procedures.

SYDE 700s

SYDE 710 Topics in Mathematics (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 003163
Instructor Consent Required

SYDE 720 Selected Topics in Computation (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 003173
Instructor Consent Required
1 Software Composition

SYDE 730 Selected Topics in Societal-Environmental Systems (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 003183
Instructor Consent Required
1 Conflict Analysis Systems
2 Remote Sensing Systems
3 Engineering Decision Making
4 Conflict Resolution
5 Mltpl Criteria Decision Anyls
6 System of Systems Engineering
7 Financial Forensics
8 Energy System of Systems
9 Analysis&Design-Natural System
10 Time Series Modelling

SYDE 740 Selected Topics in Human Systems (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 010502
Instructor Consent Required
1 Ecological Interface Design
2 Human Factors Testing
3 Psych Issues in Product Design
4 Adv Appl of Ecol Interface Des
5 Situation Awareness
6 Human Performance in VEs
7 Cognitive Ergonomics Advanced
8 Interruptions
9 Collaborative Systems Design
10 Mtvtn Through User-Centrd Dsgn
11 Multi-modal Interface Design
12 Biomaterials Science
13 Design for Engagement

SYDE 750 Topics in Systems Modelling (0.50) SEM,TUTCourse ID: 003199
Instructor Consent Required
1 Advanced Dynamics II
2 System Modelling & Design
3 Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks
4 Topics in Bond Graph Anaylsis
5 Advanced Graph Theoretic Mthds
6 Kin&Dynmc Smltn:Multibody Syst
7 Solution of Large Systems
8 Simulating Neurobiol Systems
9 Phys:Acoustic Musical Instrmnt
10 Symbolic Comp in Multibody Dyn
11 Nanotech for Radiat Oncology
12 Opp-Based Learn in Mach Intel
13 Modeling and Design of MEMS
14 Mech of Comp Mat
15 Modelling of Continuum Systems
16 Sol Techniques of DAE Systems
17 Applied Nonlinear Dynamics
18 Image and Video Compression
19 Cognitive Robotics
20 Mdlng of Biomechanical Systems
21 Model-based Robust Design
22 Optimal Control
23 Dyn Mod Biomech Sys
24 Modlg, Simultn & Design - MEMS
25 Biomed Image Proc. Analysis
26 Nanotech for Radiat Oncology

SYDE 760 Topics in Engineering Design (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 003209
Instructor Consent Required
1 Probabilistic Design
2 Systems Thinking Epistemology
3 Topics of Systems
4 Integrated Medical Info Mgmt
5 Design of Large Nonlinear Syst
6 Numerical stochastic solutions

SYDE 770 Selected Topics in Communication and Information Systems (0.50) LECCourse ID: 003214
Instructor Consent Required
1 Image Processing App
2 Image Processing
3 Nonlinear Image Processing
4 Statistical Image Processing
5 Adv Top in Pattern Recognition
6 Info,Pat,PatAnlys,Synth&Dscvry
7 Topics in Particle Filtering
8 Texture in Computer Vision
9 3D Computer Vision and Imaging
11 Clstrng & Class of Time Series
12 Haptic Systems
13 3D Reconstruction
14 Adv. Topics in Image Proc.
15 Social Media Analysis
16 Structure From Motion

SYDE 780 Selected Topics in Engineering Sciences (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 003224
Instructor Consent Required
1 Composite Materials Mechanics
2 Biomaterials Science
3 Shear Rate and Thrombosis
4 Eng Des Opt Interferometry