AMATH 900 Topics in Applied Mathematics (0.50) LEC | Course ID: 011357 |
Instructor Consent Required |
1 Delay Differential Equations |
2 Wavelet and Fractal Analysis |
3 Calculus of Variations |
4 Impulsive Control&Stabilizat'n |
5 Modelling of Smart Materials |
6 Computational Fluid Mechanics |
7 Quantum Fields in Cosmology |
8 Wavelets:Theory & Applications |
9 Infinite-Dimensional Systems |
10 Robust Control |
11 Impulsive DEs with Time Delay |
12 Fluid Mechanics |
13 Impulsive Control&Applications |
14 Bifurcation Theory |
15 Dynamical Systems and Imaging |
16 Stability of Stochastic System |
17 Hybrid Systems with Time Delay |
18 Waves in Porous Media |
19 Bayesian Mthds - Data Analysis |
20 Mathmatical Biology |
21 Advanced Linear Systems Theory |
22 Stochastic Processes |
23 Hybrid Dynamical Systems |
24 Nonlinear Systems Theory |
25 Nonlinear Systems Control |
26 Mathematical Imaging |
27 Cellular Mathematical Biology |
28 Statcl Anlysis-Microarray Data |
29 Topics in Spectral Methods |
30 Physical Processes in Lakes |
31 Mathematical Imaging |
32 Finite Element Methods |
33 Numrcl Mthds for Hyprbolc PDEs |
34 Topics in Continuum Mechanics |
35 Intro to Mathematical Oncology |
36 Large-scale Ocean Circulation |
37 Finite Element Methods |
38 Delay Differential Equations |
39 Impulsive Delay Systems |
40 Foundations of Quantum Theory |
41 Numerical Linear Algebra |
42 Nonlinear Water Waves |
43 Impulsive Dynamical Systems |
44 Fractal Analysis, Math Imaging |
45 Advanced Numerical PDEs |
46 Environmental Fluid Dynamics |
47 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems |
48 Compressible Fluid Dynamics |
49 Computation of Internal Waves |
50 Repetitive Control Theory |
51 Special Topics in PDEs |
52 Hyperbolic Conservation Laws |
53 Finite Difference Methods |
54 Applied Green's Functions |
55 Surface Wave Processes |
56 Waves and Sediment Transport |
57 Numerical Methods |
58 Instability and Turbulance |
59 Adv Numerical Linear Algebra |