SYDE 750 Topics in Systems Modelling (0.50) SEM,TUT | Course ID: 003199 |
Instructor Consent Required |
1 Advanced Dynamics II |
2 System Modelling & Design |
3 Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks |
4 Topics in Bond Graph Anaylsis |
5 Advanced Graph Theoretic Mthds |
6 Kin&Dynmc Smltn:Multibody Syst |
7 Solution of Large Systems |
8 Simulating Neurobiol Systems |
9 Phys:Acoustic Musical Instrmnt |
10 Symbolic Comp in Multibody Dyn |
11 Nanotech for Radiat Oncology |
12 Opp-Based Learn in Mach Intel |
13 Modeling and Design of MEMS |
14 Mech of Comp Mat |
15 Modelling of Continuum Systems |
16 Sol Techniques of DAE Systems |
17 Applied Nonlinear Dynamics |
18 Image and Video Compression |
19 Cognitive Robotics |
20 Mdlng of Biomechanical Systems |
21 Model-based Robust Design |
22 Optimal Control |
23 Dyn Mod Biomech Sys |
24 Modlg, Simultn & Design - MEMS |
25 Biomed Image Proc. Analysis |
26 Nanotech for Radiat Oncology |