ERS 600s

ERS 604 Advanced Topics in Global Environmental Governance (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001205
(Cross-listed with GGOV 620, PSCI 604)
This course examines the ways in which environmental challenges are being addressed by means of 'global governance' - that is, international organizations and institutions intended to deal with these environmental challenges. Concepts are investigated both to help analyze the relative strengths and weaknesses of existing structures and to suggest ways in which alternative forms of global governance might advance sustainability. Specific organizations and other actors presently active in global environmental governance are given particular attention, as is the management of selected global environmental challenges.

ERS 605 Ecosystem Perspectives and Analysis (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001206
Review of recent theoretical and applied studies of ecosystems. Critical examination of the use of ecosystem concepts in ideologically-based calls for significant alternatives in the organization of societies, institutions, individual lifestyles and philosophical beliefs.

ERS 606 Governing Global Food and Agriculture (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012710
This course examines the international rules and organizations that have emerged to govern the increasingly global system of food and agriculture. Specific themes to be covered include governance issues related to the rise of global food coporations, agricultural trade liberalization and the WTO, food aid distribution, international agricultural assistance, the global agro-chemical industry and agricultural biotechnology.

ERS 606 Governing Global Food and Agriculture Systems (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012738
(Cross-listed with PSCI 606, GGOV 621)
This course examines the international rules and organizations that have emerged to govern the increasingly global system of food and agriculture. Specific themes to be covered include governance issues related to the rise of global food corporations, agricultural trade liberalization and the WTO, food aid distribution, international agricultural assistance, the global agro-chemical industry, and agricultural biotechnology.

ERS 610 Public Administration of the Environment & Natural Resources (0.50) LECCourse ID: 010429
(Cross-listed with PLAN 610)
Contemporary instruments of policy-making and public administration in the context of natural resources will be examined. A term project which will analyze a contemporary issue in the mining, forestry, fisheries, parks or protected areas will be undertaken.

ERS 615 Community Economic Development (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001842
(Cross-listed with PLAN 615, GEOG 615, LED 615)
Community Economic Development is a field of theory, process and practice that is concerned with understanding the forces shaping communities and finding sustainable local solutions to economic needs. This seminar course will examine topics such as capacity-building, asset-based strategies, social capital, poverty-alleviation, social enterprises and co-operatives, and comprehensive community initiatives, using international and local examples and case studies.

ERS 618 Sustainable Energy Systems (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001208
Background on energy issues in Canada in the context of an environmental imperative to develop energy systems that are sustainable in both ecological and socio-political terms.

ERS 619 Energy Sustainability (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012666
(Cross-listed with GEOG 669)
Renewable and non-renewable energy supply systems are compared using economic and environmental measures. Consumption trends, conservation options and choices are considered at the household, community and global scales. Projects are used to demonstrate the economic and environmental challenges in the design of sustainable energy systems. *eligible for MES.

ERS 630 Waste Management (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001209
Waste management will be considered in the context of environmental assessment and waste management master planning. The solid waste stream will be analyzed in terms of its make up and disposal options. Landfill will be considered in terms of siting, design and management. Incineration will be discussed as will recycling, composting and the handling of household hazardous waste. Students will be required to do a critical evaluation of a municipality's waste management experience in light of changing regulations and procedures over the last decade.

ERS 660 Perspectives in Resource and Environmental Management (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001210
(Cross-listed with GEOG 660, PLAN 660)
Current research and practice in resource and environmental management. *eligible for MES.

ERS 669 Team Research Project (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001213
A team project to demonstrate problem definition, analysis and interdisciplinary research methods in environmental studies. The course will provide an examination of different modes and methods of anlaysis to be used in projects and thesis-based research. Students will also learn how to prepare and write proposals to granting agencies.

ERS 670 MES Thesis Development (0.50) LECCourse ID: 011630
The goal of the course is to ensure that all students will have a completed thesis proposal by the end of term. Each student will make an oral presentation of their proposal to their committee members and other members of the department and Environmental Studies. The course will include discussions about how best to frame a good research questions, find sources, organize a thesis, conduct ethical research, and communicate results. Students will make regular class presentations throughout the term as their research proposal develops.
Prerequisite: ERS 669

ERS 674 Special Topics in Environment and Resource Studies (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 012340
These courses allow for additions to the program on a short-term basis, and for development of future permanent courses.
1 EcoHealth Perspectives
2 Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve
3 Env. Issues in Texas
4 Sustainable Cities - 21st c.
5 ENV Green Building Projects
6 Social Marketing

ERS 675 Special Readings and Seminars on Selected Topics in Environment and Resource Studies (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 010430
Particular offerings may be initiated by a faculty member in consultation with interested students. In all cases instructor consent is required.
Instructor Consent Required
1 Ecosystem App to Env & Health
2 Advances in Applied Ecology
3 Conflict Rsltn in Remote Areas
4 Environmental Business Mgmnt
5 Toxic Effcts of Organochloride
6 Air Qlty Impacts on Human Hlth
7 Spirit, Organics & Environment
8 Indicators of Water Resources
9 Trad. Eco. Know. in N. Canada
10 Politics of Sustainable Comm.
11 Municipal Pollution Prevention
12 Indigenous Diets and Nutrition
13 Energy Sources
14 Integrated Resource Managemnt
15 Public Policy & Native People
16 Rdgs in Env Monitoring
17 Consumption and Production
18 Sustain Municipal Approaches
19 Fate of Bismuth
20 Corporate Voluntary Initiative
21 Politics, Ecol & Admin
22 Energy & Environmental Outlook
23 Environment and Business
24 International Development
25 Governance&Dvpmnt in the North
26 Climate Change and Society
27 Environmental Education
28 Ecological Economics
29 GlobEnv Change & Grand Watshed
30 Topics in Restoration Ecology
31 Contaminants and Health Policy
32 Fishry Restoratn & Food Secrty
33 Global Food Issues
34 Landscape Restoration
35 Health and Social Policy Refrm
36 Advanced Ecological Economics
37 Wind Energy - Texas & German
38 Advanced Tropical Ecosystems
39 Env Health - First Nations
40 Soils and our Environment
41 Bldg Capacity for Conservation
42 Govrning Glbl Food & Agricltr
43 Stwrdship through Partnership
44 Water and Agriculture
45 Economics of Energy & Climate
46 Community Dvlpmt:Canada/Brazil
47 Modelling Soil Dynamics
48 Sustainable Cooperative Commun
49 Economic Glblzation Strategies
50 First Nation Hlth Perspectives
51 Advanced Tpcs Ecolgcl Econmcs
52 Ecosystem Approaches to Hlth
53 Social Learning and Participtn
54 Ecologcl Modernzatn in Turkey
55 Language and the Environment
56 Environmental Journalism
57 Tropical Ecosystems
58 Volntry Initiatv & Socl Marktg
59 Ecology and Society
60 Corport & Municpl Waste Mngmnt
61 Corp Sust:Issues and Prospects
62 Environmental Journalism 2
63 Advanced Restoration Ecology
64 Urban Water Systems Management
65 Energy Systems
66 Environmental Monitoring
67 Complexity Resilience & Innvtn
68 Invasive Species
69 Soils and Our Environment
70 Agricultr, Development & State
71 Climate Change & Human Health
72 Dsign'g Tsts Eclgcl Indicators
73 Analysis of Pollinator Decline
74 Satellite Imagery
75 Sustainability &Green Planning
76 Land Use Cnflct & Inst. Chang
77 Complexity Innvtn Adaptability
78 Systems, Social Invtn & Ldrshp
79 Diseases of Aboriginal Populat
80 TEK and Climate Change
81 Ecosystem Resilience
82 LCA,Agricultr & Bio-bsd Matrls
83 Cmplx Socio-Ecological Systems
84 Complex Restoration Theories
85 Environmental Justice
86 Soc Dimension:Invasive Species
87 Apprchs to Local Pblic Prtcpn
88 Soc Invtn Cplxty, Scl & Knwldg
89 Social Marketing
90 Environmental Public Health
91 LCA and Biofuels
92 Envrnmntl Hist of Wtr & Socty
93 LCA Methodologies & Applicatns
94 Studies in Social Innovation
95 Ecosocl Study Invasive Species
96 Social Justice
97 EV 3 - Ideas Dsgn Cmptn Wrkshp
98 Ecosystem Resilience
99 Systems/Resilience & SocInvtn
100 Resilience in Restratn Ecology
101 Resilience Assessment

ERS 680 Implications of a Sustainable Society for ERS (0.50) LECCourse ID: 011631
Review of theory, concepts, and examples of environmentally-sustainable development to help orient MES/ERS enquiry leading to the formulation of individual thesis.

ERS 700s

ERS 701 Sustainability in Complex Socio-Ecological Systems (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013380
Consideration of transdisciplinary theoretical and methodological frameworks for analysing issues that arise from the complex interactions among human decision making, communities and biophysicial systems at various scales. The frameworks chosen are applicable to broad environment and resource issues as well as to a wide range of more specific topics.
Department Consent Required
Prereq: ERS Doctorate plans - all others require the permission of the department.

ERS 702 Critical Analysis and Advance Research in Environmental Studies (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013381
Examination of the process leading from design of critical transdisciplinary research to publication of findings and other outreach to the broader community. The course will include examination of doctoral research design in ERS, the nature of potential findings and means of dissemination of findings, including the diverse academic literature in environmental studies.
Department Consent Required
Prerequisite: ERS 701