Winter 2010
Physics and Astronomy
Introduction |
Guelph-Waterloo Physics Institute |
The Departments of Physics of the University of Guelph and the University of Waterloo offer a joint program leading to the master's (MSc) and doctoral (PhD) degrees. The Guelph-Waterloo Physics Institute, (GWPI), includes members from both departments covering a wide range of research interests. It is a semi-autonomous program responsible directly to the two graduate schools. It looks after admissions, arranges courses of instruction, names students' supervisory committees and monitors student progress generally. Students in the graduate physics program register either at Guelph or at Waterloo (depending on where their supervisor is located) but undertake their coursework jointly at both universities. Students in the program are governed by the general regulations of the university in which they are registered and their degree is granted by that university. All inquiries concerning this program should be addressed to the (GWPI) Director. (See Contact for Further Information )