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 Graduate Studies Academic Calendar
Fall 2006

Management Sciences


Management of Technology (MMSc)
The Master of Management Sciences (MMSc) program is available in the management of technology area only.
Admission Requirements

The MMSc in the management of technology area only is available through the MSciOnline program.

Admission requirements for the MSciOnline program are as follows:

  • an Honours Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) with a minimum 75%(B) standing in the last two years.
  • Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Applied Regression Analysis.
  • The GRE or GMAT is recommended. These scores often assist the admissions committee in evaluating academic records from institutions other than the University of Waterloo.
  • Applicants who have not completed three or more years of post-secondary work at a Canadian institution, or at an institution at which English was the language of instruction, will be required to provide certification of English language proficiency.
    Minimum TOEFL score is 580 or 237
    Minimum TWE score is 4.5
    Information about other accepted examinations of English Language can be found on the University of Waterloo Graduate Studies Office web site .
  • Two letters of reference, at least one of which must be from academic sources.
  • All applicants must submit a copy of their resume or curriculum vitae.
  • All applicants must submit a "Statement of Purpose" - a one page statement addressing your academic background, area of research interest, proposed research studies.

Applicants who fall slightly below our minimum academic requirements may be considered for admission as transitional or probationary students.

Application deadline to the MSciOnline program:

  • Winter Start Date: October 31
  • Spring Start Date: February 28th
  • Fall Start Date: June 30th

Any complete applications received after the above set deadlines will automatically be reviewed for the next start date.

Degree Requirements

All students in the Management of Technology Master of Management Sciences program must demonstrate competency in the material covered by the following six courses:

  • M Sci 601 Research Methods in the Management Sciences,
  • M Sci 602 Principles of Management of Technology
  • M SCI 603 Principles of Operations Research,
  • M SCI 605 Organizational Theory and Behaviour,
  • M SCI 606 Foundations of Senior Management
  • M SCI 607 Economic Concepts for Management

Competency can be established in any General Requirement course either by taking the course or by passing a written exam, administered by the instructor assigned to teach the General Requirements course in that year.

Students in the MSciOnline MMSc program (M SCI 601, 602, 603, 605, 606, 607) must take at least two additional courses, totaling a minimum requirement of eight courses overall (.50 unit weight per course/5 units of credit). These courses must be at the 600 and 700- level with an overall average of at least 73%, and a maximum of one course grade under 70%.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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